  • Shuo Zhang (张硕)

    Office: Siyuan Building 1011
    Research interest: symplectic topology

Morningside Center of Mathematics, No.55, Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, 100190, China
Personal information:
My research interest mainly rests in symplectic topology and Floer theory. Currently I am mainly working on Floer theories related to Lefschetz fibrations and more general singularities.
I am also interested in enumerative and homological mirror symmetry. I am also working on quantum homology and symplectic homology related to symplectic filling and divisors. 

Education & Career:
2018/08-2024/08   PhD    University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, US (Supervisors: Tian-jun Li, Weiwei Wu)
2014/08-2018/05   B.S      University of California Berkeley, Berkeley. US

Publications & Preprints:
1. (In preparation) Shuo Zhang, A long exact sequence on the composition of Dehn twists, arxiv: 2311.14192.