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    Global solution of 2D hyperbolic liquid crystal system for small initial data

    Prof. Xuecheng Wang(YMSC)

    10:30-11:30 / MCM210

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    Geometric applications of Zilber-Pink

    Prof. Gregorio Baldi(CNRS)

    14:00-15:30 / MCM210&ZOOM

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    Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 4

    Prof. Konstantin Shramov(Steklov Mathematical Institute and NRU Higher School of Economics)

    10:00-11:30 / MCM110

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    Holomorphic vector bundles over Generalized Grassmannians

    Dazhi Zhang(East China Normal University)

    10:00-11:30 / MCM410

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    Dr. Chong Shen(Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications)

    13:30-15:00 / MCM110

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    Calabi-Yau Manifolds via Cyclic Covers, and Complex Hyperbolic Structures of their Moduli Spaces

    Dr. Zhiwei Zheng(Tsinghua University)

    10:00-11:30 / MCM410