  • Luochen Zhao (赵洛晨)

    Office: Siyuan Building(思源楼)
    Research interest: number theory

Morningside Center of Mathematics, No.55, Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, 100190, China
Personal information:
I am currently a postdoc at the Morningside Center of Mathematics, Beijing, China.
I am interested in number theory in general. Currently I am thinking about questions related to the arithmetic of p-adic L-functions, as well as corresponding Iwasawa-theoretic questions concerning the Selmer modules on the algebraic side.
Education & Career :
2019/09-2023/05  Ph.D       Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA (Advisor: Antonio Lei, Yiannis Sakellaridis)
2017/09-2019/06  Ph.D candidate      Rutgers University-New Brunswick, Piscataway, USA
2013/09-2017/07  B.S         Peking University, Beijing, China
Publications & Preprints:
1. (Preprint) L. Zhao, On a product formula of bivariate p-adic Gamma values; arxiv: 2311.04805; submitted;
2. A. Lei, L. Zhao, On the BDP Iwasawa main conjecture for modular forms, Manuscripta Mathematica, Volume 173, pages 867–888, (2024);
3. L. Zhao, Sum expressions for p-adic Hecke L-functions of totally real fields, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, Volume 19, Number 2, 597–639, 2023;
4. L. Zhao, Sum expressions for Kubota-Leopoldt p-adic L-functions, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 65 (2022), no. 2, 460–479;
5. Note on p-adic Local Functional Equation, p-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, 2022, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 238–264.