Morningside Center of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Address: Morningside Center of Mathematics, No.55, Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing, 100190, China
Research Interest: P-adic Langlands program, including p-adic and mod p local-global compatibility, and the theory of (higher) L-invariants.
Papers and preprints
1. On mod p local-global compatibility for GLn(Qp) in the ordinary case (with Chol Park), Mémoires de la S.M.F., Vol 173.
2. Dilogarithm and Higher L-invariants forGL3(Qp), Represent. Theory 25 (2021), 344-411.
3. Moduli of Fontaine-Laffaille modules and a mod p local-global compatibility result, (with Daniel Le, Bao Viet Le Hung, Stefano Morra and Chol Park), Memoires of the A.M.S. (to appear), 169 pages.
4. A note on mod-p local-global compatibility via Scholze's functor, (with Kegang Liu), 8 pages.
5. Colength one deformation rings, (with Daniel Le, Bao Viet Le Hung, Stefano Morra and Chol Park), Transactions of the A.M.S. (to appear), 34 pages.
6. Splitting and expliciting the De Rham complex of the Drinfeld space, (with Christophe Breuil),281 pages.
7. On higher extensions between locally analytic generalized Steinberg with some applications, 140 pages (draft available under request, updated version of arXiv.2210.01381)
1. B.S. University of Science and Technology of China, 2010-2014
2. M.S. Sorbonne Université (Jussieu), France, 2013-2015
3. Diplôme de l'ENS, Mathematics, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (Rue d'Ulm), Sélection Internationale, France, 2013-2016
4. Ph.D. Université Paris Saclay (Orsay), France, 2016-2019, Thesis Advisor: Christophe Breuil
1. Postdoc, University of Toronto, Canada, August 2019-May 2022
2. Associate Professor, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, June 2022-present