Office: MCM Building(晨兴楼) 509
Research interest: P-adic Hodge theory, Langlands program
Morningside Center of Mathematics, No.55,
Zhongguancun East Road, Beijing,
100190, China
I am a faculty member at Morningside Center of Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
I defended my doctoral thesis at l'Universite Paris-Saclay in 2017 under the supervision of Ahmed Abbes. Previously, I was a Harry Bateman Instructor at Caltech.
Publication and preprints:
My articles can be found on arXiv.
Irregular Hodge filtration of hypergeometric differential equations. joint with Yichen Qin, preprint.
Drinfeld's lemma for F-isocrystals, II: Tannakian approach. Joint with Kiran S. Kedlaya, to appear in Compositio Mathematica.
Hypergeometric sheaves for classical groups via geometric Langlands. Joint with Masoud Kamgarpour, Lingfei Yi, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 376 (2023), 3585-3640.
Parallel transport for Higgs bundles over p-adic curves. with an appendix joint with Tongmu He, preprint.
Bessel F-isocrystals for reductive groups. Joint with Xinwen Zhu, Inventiones mathematicae 227, 997-1092 (2022).
On higher direct images of convergent isocrystals . Compositio Mathematica, 155(11) (2019), 2180-2213.
Lifting the Cartier transform of Ogus-Vologodsky modulo p^n. , Memoires de la Societe Mathematique de France No. 163 (2019), vi+133 pages.
Parallel transport and the p-adic Simpson correspondence, Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, Vol. 5 (2017), e13, 127 pages.