Well-posedness and incompressible limit of current-vortex sheets in ideal compressible MHD

Dr. Junyan Zhang
2023-12-20 9:00-10:00

Speaker: Dr. Junyan Zhang (National University of Singapore)
Time: 9:00-10:00  December 20, 2023 (Wednesday)
Place: MCM110
Title: Well-posedness and incompressible limit of current-vortex sheets in ideal compressible MHD
Abstract: The current-vortex sheet, as one of the characteristic contact discontinuities in ideal compressible MHD, is described by a free-interface problem for two-phase MHD flows with magnetic fields tangential to the interface. We prove local well-posedness and incompressible limit for current-vortex sheets with or without surface tension. The key observation is a hidden structure of Lorentz force in vorticity analysis which motivates us to use certain anisotropic Sobolev spaces instead of standard Sobolev spaces.