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    Ramification groups of a local field (with Ahmed Abbes and Kazuya Kato)

    Takeshi Saito(斋藤毅 东京大学)

    10:00—11:30 / N202

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    Old and new on the de Rham-Witt complex II

    Prof. Luc Illusie(Université Paris-Sud)

    11:00—12:00 / N202

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    Characteristic cycle of an l-adic sheaf

    Takeshi Saito(斋藤毅 东京大学)

    9:45—10:45 / N202

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    Old and new on the de Rham-Witt complex I

    Prof. Luc Illusie(Université Paris-Sud)

    11:00—12:00 / N202

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    Shapes and Equations

    Prof. Caucher Birkar(University of Cambridge)

    16:00-17:00 / N204

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    The characteristic cycle and ramification theory

    谷田川 友里(Yuri Yatagawa,埼玉大学)

    10:00-11:00 / N602