Slopes of modular forms

Dr. Bin Zhao
2021-01-07 10:30-11:30am

 SpeakerDr. Bin Zhao (MCM)

TitleSlopes of modular forms 

Time10:30-11:30am, Jan. 7, 2021

PlaceMCM110 & ZOOM  (Zoom ID: 466 356 2952   Password: mcm1234) 

Abstract: In this talk, I will first explain the motivation to study the slopes of modular forms. Then I will explain a conjecture raised by Bergdall and Pollack which gives an effective algorithm to compute the slopes of modular forms and give some important consequences of this conjecture. I will talk about some strategies to prove this conjecture if time permits. This is a joint work in progress with Ruochuan Liu, Nha Truong and Liang Xiao.
