Geometric realization of T-shaped root systems and the Jacobians of del Pezzo surfaces

Prof. Shigeru Mukai
2019-10-10 10:30—11:30

Speaker: Prof. Shigeru Mukai (MCM) 

TitleGeometric realization of T-shaped root systems and the Jacobians of del Pezzo surfaces

Time: 10:30-11:30am, Oct 10, 2019

Place: MCM110

AbstractIt is well known that the blow-up of the projective plane has a Cremona symmetry of the Weyl group of the root system of type E.  This was generalized to a T-shaped Cremona symmetry of higher dimensional multi-projective spaces by Coble and Mukai.  Using this framework I will describe the “Jacobians” of del Pezzo surfaces dP_d, and construct several extremal elliptic fibrations over the d-dimensional projective space.