Title: L-invariants and local-global compatibility
Speaker: Yiwen Ding (Paris XI)
Time: 2015-5-14, 15:30-16:30
Place: 610
Abstract: Let F be a totally real number field, w a place of F above p, and \rho a 2-dimensional modular p-adic representation of Gal(Fbar/F) (appearing in the étale cohomology of quaternion Shimura curves). When the restriction \rho_w of \rho to the decomposition at w is semi-stable non-crystalline, one can associate to \rho_w the so-called Fontaine-Mazur L-invariants, which are nontheless invisible in classical local Langlands correspondence. In this talk, we show these invariants can be found in the completed cohomology of Shimura curves, which generalizes some of Breuil's results in modular curve case.