Title: Vanishing topos and the semi-continuity of the Swan conductor(II)
Speaker: 阳恩林 (清华大学)
Time: 2015-5-26, 15:30-16:30
Place: 610
Abstract: In this talk, we continue the discussion on T. Saito's recent work on characteristic cycles for etale sheaves. In his work, he constructed the characteristic cycle of a constructible sheaf on a smooth variety in positive characteristic assuming the existence of a singular support. One of the essential ingredients of his construction is a partial generalization of the semi-continuity of Swan conductor to higher dimension. In this lecture, we briefly recall the the definition of vanishing topos which is a generalization of the definition of vanishing cycles to general base scheme, and then, we focus on the generalization of semi-continuity of the Swan conductor using vanishing topos.